About Us

About Us

Our Work is not about us, even though our Manager has over 22 years of experience as a Reflexologist, Acupressurist, and she also specializes in many other forms of Non-Invasive Traditional Chinese Healing Practices. Her expertise is in the application of these Traditional Chinese Healing Practices / Techniques / Regimens that are to stimulate and open your Acupressure Meridian Points, for PAIN RELIEF.  All tried, tested, and proven to be beneficial, for millenniums.

Our Work is about YOU and Your Needs! And this is about the Ones that You Love and Cherish so Dearly!

Your, and Their, Quality of Life is all that matters to us!

There is no reason for anyone to live with Pain, when the Pain can be relieved Naturally!

Stimulating Your Acupressure Points, Works – “Amazing”

Your Pain Free Well-Being is our Quest

We have dedicate our lives to helping others, naturally.

Beauty that’s natural

True Beauty is from within, and shines without, which begins with the elimination of the blockages from within and the balancing of your own body’s systems, naturally.


Weekly Special Discounts

Come visit us on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and receive our Weekly Discounts. Our Weekly Discounts are not applicable when using any other discount that we may be offering.



Beauty is not skin deep, as the old saying goes. True Beauty begins from within, and shines without. True Beauty is enduring and everlasting. True Beauty begins with the balancing of the body systems, naturally, from within.


According to research, stress and tension can be one of the huge sources of worsening health by creating blockages in your body. Foot, Leg, Hand, Arm, Shoulder, Ear, and Facial Reflexology is extremely beneficial.


Acupressure Points Therapy is almost as old as time itself, is extremely complicate to learn and apply correctly, and is beneficial for the entire body. Applied correctly, it can relieve most pain within minutes, and can balance the body systems for a more happier and healthier you.


The old Chinese medical maxim holds that pain results from congestion, stagnation, and blockage of Qi, or vital energy, vital fluids, lymph, phlegm, and blood. If pain is the essence of disease, then suffering is a result of obstructed or irregular flow in the body. Chinese Cupping is therefore a method of breaking up the blockage to restore the body’s natural flow of energy.